Thursday, October 17, 2013

Austin Hollingsworth - another grandson with a mission call

Hunter Hull: Grandson - entering the MTC on 23 October 2013 - called to Kennewick, Washington Mission (on the left)
Austin Hollingsworth: Grandson  - entering the MTC on 18 December 2013 - called to Atlanta, Georgia Mission (on the right)

Austin received his mission call today! Congratulations, Austin!
He will be in Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah for Christmas this year. Luckily, a very close friend from Canada will also be entering the MTC the same day.

How proud we are of our family missionary force which is now starting to grow!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

7.2 Earthquake hits central Philippines

Imagine our consternation when we heard on the news that a 7.2 earthquake hit the Philippines.

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck in the central Philippines on Tuesday morning, collapsing roofs and buildings, cracking walls and roads and killing at least 20 people.
The epicenter was on Bohol Island. Four people died when part of a fish port collapsed in nearby Cebu city, across the strait from Bohol. Two more people died and 19 were injured when the roof of a market in Mandaue in Cebu province collapsed. People rushed out of buildings and homes, including hospitals as aftershocks continued.
Earthquakes are common in the Philippines, which lies along the Pacific "Ring of Fire."

So, Will called the mission office in Cebu City, and spoke to Sister Rose Ernstrom. 
Actually, when he first made the connection he said: 
     "Sister Ernstrom, this is Elder Stevens from the Missionary Department in Salt Lake. I need to have 
      a complete report on all the missionaries following the recent earthquake."
I hear a pause - and a pause - and the response comes: 
     "As far as I know they are all accounted for, and all are okay." 
I then respond, "If everyone is okay, - then this is actually Elder Sommerfeldt calling. I just wanted to 
     make sure it was safe to come to Cebu."
Sister Ernstrom then replies: "You are in so much trouble. Get over here quickly - we need you. And - 
     I'm going to get even." 
I then reply: Oh, Sister Ernstrom, you'll have to get up wa-a-a-y early to get even with me."
We both have a good laugh. We will be working with the Ernstrom's in the office. 

Will also asked if the temple sustained any damage. "No," was her reply, "Except that the Angel Moroni is now facing another direction. He twisted around in the storm." 

"So we now have a new saying in the mission:
     The church is true, 
     The sky is blue, 
     And the angel Moroni is still on the ball."

We can't wait to get into the mission field and meet the Ernstroms. They are going to be delightful to work with, and we are looking forward to that association. Still not too certain about the rice and fish diet - but we will make that work too. 

First grandson to serve mission

Sunday, 13 October 2013, we traveled to Logan, Utah for Hunter Hull's missionary farewell. There was good family support. Hunter gave a fine Sacrament Meeting talk. He seemed very comfortable at the pulpit. Elder Hunter Hull has been called to serve in the Kennewick, Washington Mission for two years.

 This is Hunter, our soon to be missionary, and Brette Bringhurst - his cousin (who is also preparing to serve a mission).
 From "tie" napkins, to words of advice, to "future missionary" water bottles, to personally designed sugar cookies - a very fun day to celebrate Hunter's mission call.

This coming Sunday, 20 October 2013, is our farewell in our home ward in Draper. Monday, October 21st we will enter the MTC in Provo, Utah. Hunter enters the MTC the same week, but on the Wednesday.