On our way over, we saw a man riding a carabao. Later, I was upset with myself for not stopping and asking if I could ride this water buffalo. I'm sure he would have said yes. That must be at least as exciting as riding an elephant - which is on my bucket list.
When we arrived at the ship yard, we saw other ships in various stages of construction.
A school group was on an outing to watch.
Their T-shirts had the ship screen-printed on the back.
Once they were ready to go, at exactly 11:00 a.m., not Filipino time, the Global Vega was launched very quickly. The kids cheered, waved their flags, and released their bright-colored balloons. There were even some fireworks going off.
Sorry, only part of the video will work - it must be too long. But you get the idea.
Out in the parking lot, we saw a lot of fancy trikes and took pictures of them. This is the typical way to get around easily and inexpensively in the Balamban area.
These trikes are much fancier than most.
Often, there is a reference to holy beings on the jeepneys and trikes.
And then, on the way home, we saw two more sights that made us laugh. Just when you think you have seen it all, you know you haven't!
Flowers for a new business opening being delivered in the back of a gravel truck . . .
and piggies riding in a jeepney!