Sunday, December 29, 2013

Our "white" Christmas!

On Friday, December 27th, Cherry and Myann were baptized in Balamban.
     When Sister Sawyer and Sister Hutchings asked Cherry who she wanted to baptize her, her face lit up and she said, "You mean I get to choose who baptizes me?" "I want the tall Elder."
      And so, Christmas day, we received a text from the Sisters asking Elder Sommerfeldt if he would baptize Cherry. He was so very honored.
 Sister Hutchings, Myann, Cherry, Sister Sawyer
These are the missionaries who were blessed to find and teach Cherry and Myann.

Elder Sommerfeldt, Myann, Cherry, Elder Case
Elder Sommerfeldt baptized Cherry and Elder Case baptized Myann.
Cherry Villafuerte Valaejo - baptized 27 December 2013
                                                confirmed 29 December 2013
Elder Sommerfeldt stood in the circle for Cherry's confirmation. 
She was confirmed by her Branch President in Cebuano.

Sister Sawyer, Renante, Myann, Cherry, Sister Hutchings, Elder Sommerfeldt
Cherry and Renante's boys

      After the baptism, Cherry and Myann were invited to bear their testimonies. Cherry expressed her love for her family and her desire that all of them be baptized. She is looking toward the temple. Renante, her husband, also believes the things that he has heard and wants to be baptized. When they met the missionaries, he smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. He is down to one cigarette a day, but is struggling to completely give it up. The other problem is that he works on Sunday. He is trying to be ready sometime in January to be baptized. We pray for him daily. 

      On December 27th, we also attended our Zone Conference. Here is a picture of us that day. We were spiritually fed as we listened to those proceedings. President Schmutz opened our understandings to more fully consider the life and mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith. 
      We testify that the Prophet Joseph was chosen and foreordained to be the consecrated instrument to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days. We do not worship him. We worship Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and Redeemer. We do revere Joseph Smith as the prophet of the restoration, as the translator of the Book of Mormon - another testament of Jesus Christ, and as a prophet, seer, and revelator. For him we are eternally grateful. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

December 22, 2013
      We attended Church in Balamban.
Sister Sawyer 
 and Sister Sawyer invited us to lunch at their apartment afterwards. 

December 23, 2013
      Elder and Sister Sommerfeldt, along with many of the Temple missionaries, were involved in a service project to Bonita Home for Girls. (Some abused, some orphaned.)
      After driving to Talamban, we wandered through narrow, one-laned streets, until we came to a small sign that said: Bonita Home for Girls. Now the road got really narrow, and had we not seen the sign, we would never have continued on this road. It literally headed up into a jungle area. Up - meaning some of the steepest road we have encountered. Fortunately, we were in the truck and made it to the top with no problem. 

With barely enough room to turn around, we arrived at the Home. Wow, what a location. It is literally in the middle of the jungle, a little more than 1/2 a km. from any other population. What a beautiful setting. 

Wow, what a view!


The facility is getting older, but is well constructed, with beautiful staircases, built into the side of the mountain. Great view, quiet, safe!

We were greeted by Sister Juliette

And then by the girls. I complimented them on their pink T-shirts. They said they were their uniforms.

They were excited to have us visit.
 Their voices were beautiful as they displayed their many musical talents. 

As missionaries, we also sang to them.
A couple of Christmas songs, then "I Am I Child of God."
By the end of the third verse, some of the girls were singing the chorus with us. 

We gave them the gift bags we had brought for them. 
When they were asked what they needed, we were told they needed underwear. 
Thus, each girl had her name on her individual bag, so the size was correct.
The bags included fresh oranges and apples, a cookie, some candy, 
 a towel, a toothbrush and toothpaste. 

Also, included in the younger girls'  bags were homemade dolls, made by one of the temple sisters.

The teenage girls received compacts, and hair items.

The little girls loved that Will was so tall, and they only came to his waist.

This little girl was determined to sit on his knee.

Karen, and a couple of other sisters, painted fingernails. 
Karen had taken the nail polish. (Thanks Maray for the great idea.)

It was such a pleasure to listen to these beautiful children, and interact with them.

A picture of the group.

December 24, 2013
      Last night we shopped for breakfast casserole fixings for 80 missionaries. Today we prepared the casseroles for Christmas morning, when Sister Schmutz will be feeding those missionaries at the Mission Home. All 203 missionaries would love to come, but most serve in areas too distant to make the journey. 
      In the late afternoon, we ate dinner with Elder and Sister Ernstrom at their apartment. We took a fresh pineapple, homemade potato salad, and homemade carrot cake for our contribution to the meal. Of course, we left 1/2 of the carrot cake for President and Sister Schmutz - since it is their favorite. (Sister Schmutz was great about me using her oven to bake the cake.)

December 25, 2013
      Shortly after 7:00 a.m. we were at the Mission Home to help serve breakfast to the lucky 80. 
Here is the oven full of casseroles.

With the top of the stove full of cooked casseroles.

Sister Pickett was great about helping in the kitchen.

The missionaries took of their shoes before entering the house
and put them in nice rows. 
Later, as Elder Sommerfeldt saw the shoes, he "arranged" them in a nice pile.
You know him!

After the meal, the missionaries sang Christmas hymns around the piano.

They totally enjoyed one another.

      The second group have such talented missionaries, and they put quite a concert for us. What a special treat. 

       At about 11:00 a.m., we invited the missionaries to be on their way so President and Sister Schmutz could call their family and enjoy some time together for their Christmas.

       Two sisters did not have a way (Skype or Magic Jack) to call home to their families, so Elder Sommerfeldt drove back to our apartment and got his computer so they could call home. Here is Sister Forbush calling home from Will's desk at the office. 

      As Will waited, he practiced playing his ukulele.

We saw these shoes from one of the Elders at the Mission Office. 
His has definitely put a lot of miles on them.

When we finally went home, we napped for a while and then ate this wonderful 
Christmas dinner - leftovers from the fridge. 
Some days it's just as good as it gets.

At least we had all of our family there!

       We are trying to get ahold of all our family members and wish them a Merry Christmas. If it doesn't happen today, we will try again tomorrow morning, which will be Christmas Day in the evening in the US.
       Then, this evening we received our best Christmas gift ever. Sister Hutchings and Sister Sawyer texted and asked Elder Sommerfeldt if he would baptize Cherry on Friday in Balamban. She has requested that. So, we get a white Christmas after all. We will post pictures after Friday.   

Friday, December 20, 2013

2nd Grandson in MTC

      Austin Hollingsworth is now in the Provo MTC, on his way to Atlanta, Georgia. He is ready and excited to serve.
 Austin's family in front of the Provo Temple

Austin with his mom, Wendy

 This is it - he's on his way. 

      We were sad to miss Austin's day at the temple to receive his own endowment, and to miss his farewell. However, they recorded the farewell, and we were able to listen to it. He did such a great job. He is ready to serve the Lord. We are pleased to have more family members receiving the blessings of serving missions. We are so grateful to be here in the Philippines serving at this time.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Conferences in the Cebu Mission

Elder Glines, Elder Millan, Elder Mejos

      What a great tradition! Christmas Conference. 
      It began in the morning with a spiritual program. 
       Featuring --- our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Dialogue, video presentations (including the one we helped with the other evening), music, a message of love from Sister Schmutz and an inspirational message from our President. A fine way to get into the spirit of Christmas.
      A catered lunch,


     And then a talent show put on by the missionaries. We were fortunate enough to see the talent show for  both Cebu South and Cebu North. Great talent in these young adult missionaries.
      The first day, Elder Sommerfeldt and I were cohered into playing our ukuleles. (We have been practicing nightly.) We only know about 5 chords, so we chose to play "Tiny Bubbles."However, we didn't want to sing in the wine (not appropriate)  - so our words said:
      "Tiny bubbles in my coke. Makes me hiccup, makes me choke.
 Tiny bubbles make me shake all over, 
Makes me feel like I'm going to burp until the end of time. 

So, here's to soda pop
It's good to the very last drop, 
But if you drink too much your teeth will rot!

Tiny bubbles in my coke. Makes me hiccup, makes me choke.
 Tiny bubbles make me shake all over, 
Makes me feel like I'm going to burp until the end of time."

       Later in the program, two sisters were singing, "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree", and we went up on the stage and did the jive for a few minutes. That little insane moment was very unplanned. The younger missionaries loved it. 

All about rhythm.

 Sister Sawyer
and Sister Hutchings
(our darling Balamban sisters)

 Sister Prasad - from India. Here she is in her traditional dress from her country.

A skit by CarCar Zone.

 The AP's. Now they know how to play the ukulele!

A skit about Christmas. Toledo Zone.
 Elder Blount (tall missionary on the R in the back)
was one of the MC's. He was hilarious. 

Sister Pala - from Tonga, danced for us.

 Central Zone acted out the Nativity.

Several extremely talented elders played the piano - 
to accompany singers, to play solos, and to play duets. 

A number from Talisay Zone.

Elder Ernstrom - the great story teller!

      And then my camera battery died, and pictures were done for the day. But both programs were great fun. These missionaries are full of energy - and full of the spirit of the Lord.

On Saturday, President and Sister Schmutz are on the Island of Negros in the Dumaguete Zone for their Christmas concert.