Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Conferences in the Cebu Mission

Elder Glines, Elder Millan, Elder Mejos

      What a great tradition! Christmas Conference. 
      It began in the morning with a spiritual program. 
       Featuring --- our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Dialogue, video presentations (including the one we helped with the other evening), music, a message of love from Sister Schmutz and an inspirational message from our President. A fine way to get into the spirit of Christmas.
      A catered lunch,


     And then a talent show put on by the missionaries. We were fortunate enough to see the talent show for  both Cebu South and Cebu North. Great talent in these young adult missionaries.
      The first day, Elder Sommerfeldt and I were cohered into playing our ukuleles. (We have been practicing nightly.) We only know about 5 chords, so we chose to play "Tiny Bubbles."However, we didn't want to sing in the wine (not appropriate)  - so our words said:
      "Tiny bubbles in my coke. Makes me hiccup, makes me choke.
 Tiny bubbles make me shake all over, 
Makes me feel like I'm going to burp until the end of time. 

So, here's to soda pop
It's good to the very last drop, 
But if you drink too much your teeth will rot!

Tiny bubbles in my coke. Makes me hiccup, makes me choke.
 Tiny bubbles make me shake all over, 
Makes me feel like I'm going to burp until the end of time."

       Later in the program, two sisters were singing, "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree", and we went up on the stage and did the jive for a few minutes. That little insane moment was very unplanned. The younger missionaries loved it. 

All about rhythm.

 Sister Sawyer
and Sister Hutchings
(our darling Balamban sisters)

 Sister Prasad - from India. Here she is in her traditional dress from her country.

A skit by CarCar Zone.

 The AP's. Now they know how to play the ukulele!

A skit about Christmas. Toledo Zone.
 Elder Blount (tall missionary on the R in the back)
was one of the MC's. He was hilarious. 

Sister Pala - from Tonga, danced for us.

 Central Zone acted out the Nativity.

Several extremely talented elders played the piano - 
to accompany singers, to play solos, and to play duets. 

A number from Talisay Zone.

Elder Ernstrom - the great story teller!

      And then my camera battery died, and pictures were done for the day. But both programs were great fun. These missionaries are full of energy - and full of the spirit of the Lord.

On Saturday, President and Sister Schmutz are on the Island of Negros in the Dumaguete Zone for their Christmas concert.

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