Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The miracles continue!

Great news! A miracle really. All the missionaries in Tacloban and on the island of Cebu are safe. 60 missionaries from Tacloban are arriving at our mission office tonight at 11:30. They are flying in from Tacloban and staying overnight at the temple patron house. When they arrive this evening, we are meeting them at the office with our computers (magic jack and Skype) so they can contact their families and tell them they are safe. 
President Schmutz is by the window with the microphone.

Missionaries provided food and a bed for the night.

Tomorrow at 5:30 a.m. they will fly to Manilla for some counseling about their experience. Then, they will be reassigned to other missions throughout the Philippines. There is a good likelihood that we will get up to 50 of them back in Cebu because they speak Cebuano. 

We are also receiving 28 new missionaries from the Provo MTC in another week at the next transfer. Our mission president, President Schmudt, is trying not to be overwhelmed, but is handling everything very well. He is wonderful about keeping us in the loop so we know what is happening. 

1 comment:

  1. hi! my name is jennie little and I am a friend of noe and chad! I am so glad that you and all of the other missionaries are safe!
    my uncle lives in Cebu as well and we just found out that he is staying in a hotel for a few days.
