Thursday, November 7, 2013

Typhoon - Yolanda

Typhoon Yolanda – super typhoon expected to hit the Philippines on Friday, 8 November 2013.

Here, outside workers around the temple 
are securing palm trees with wire to weather the typhoon.

Office staff preparing for rain from typhoon.

Sister Ernstrom lent a head umbrella to Elder Sommerfeldt. 
She wanted him to kneel down beside her, which made them the same height. 
(Elder and Sister Ernstrom had actually purchased the umbrellas to wear 
on a fishing trip they are going on next week. 
The High Priest group in their ward have invited them to attend.) 

            This morning on our way to the office, Sister Ernstrom read a text sent to the AP’s and ZL’s from President Schumtz. It brought tears to my eyes, as you could almost hear the love and concern in the president's voice as he gave directions for the safety of his missionaries.

            The instruction was very specific: have 72 hours of food and supplies in our apartments. By 5:00 p.m. on Thursday – be in apartments. By 6:00 p.m. – check in with Zone Leaders, and ZL’s check in with AP’s no later than 7:00 p.m.

            Any missionaries along shore lines – move inland – away from stormy seas coming ashore.
            Those on mountain sides – move down into apartments with other missionaries – to be out of harm of possible mud slides.
            Those in ground floor apartments in the valleys – move to LDS churches or in with other missionaries – to be safe.

            By Saturday morning, report again to ZL's and AP’s about their safety.

Here we are shopping at Fooda. 
The store was packed and people were buying comfort food
 - chips and pop - not too many necessities.
 It took us 45 minutes to check out.

At a recent special Stake Conference, just before we arrive in the Philippines, Philippines Area President, Brent Nielson, said that these natural disasters will continue to happen as prophesied prior to the Savior’s coming; and it is God’s way of bearing his testimony that he is in control.
            President Nielson said: “Be not fearful, but be faithful, for fear and faith cannot co-exist. The Lord is in charge.”

As we were leaving the office and walking through the foyer of our office complex
 to get prepared as the President had instructed,
we took this picture of two little Filipina girls in their cute dresses and shoes.
Everyone who comes onto the temple grounds are so respectful.
They come well dressed and with reverent attitudes. 

1 comment:

  1. You guys make it through the storm? The news reports are horrifying. Someone called our house this morning from a phone with a Philippians country code. Could have been one of our sons up in Manila. I just missed the call. But we definitely thought of you. Cary Ashby.
