Sunday, February 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Sister Schmutz

19 February 2014
Sister Cindy Schmutz' birthday! Her husband graciously invited the AP's, the Ernstroms and us to meet them for lunch at Marco Polo. It was a surprise for Sister Schmutz.

The HR gal who works at the Marco Polo is LDS, and she had everything arranged - flowers and all. They love her - as we do.

After a delicious buffet - duck was offered - although we declined, 

Servers came into our private room and sang Happy Birthday to Sister Schmutz. 

Of course, they also presented her with a special birthday cake.

We felt honored to be there with her. 
Included: Elder and Sister Ernstrom, Sister - the birthday girl - and President Schmutz, Sophia, Elder and Sister Sommerfeldt, Elder Mejos, and Elder Peck.

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