Saturday, March 29, 2014

Flowers of the Philippines

Tropical flowers are such lovely creations. Some are like old friends, familiar and comfortable. Some are exotic and new.
You know me - I just have to take pictures of them and share them with all of you. As I find out the names of each of them, I will label them.
 Plumeria (called Frangipani here) - temple grounds.
Pink Plumeria - smaller - temple grounds.

Bougainvillea - temple grounds

Bougainvillea - Mactan Island

Hibiscus - temple grounds.

Hibiscus - temple grounds.

Golden Shrimp Plant - drive to Balamban - on temple grounds.

 Golden Onion - temple grounds

 Moon Flower - in front of the Mission Home
As summer arrives, every tree seems like it has flowers growing on it.
Temple grounds.

Flame Tree - temple grounds.

 Heliconia Wagneriana - comes in bright yellow,

 stunning orange,

 and fuchsia. Showcased on the temple grounds.

Angel  Trumpet - in San Carlos, and on drive to Balamban.

 Maybe: Alpinia -  walk to Kawasan Falls.
Red Hot Poker - walk to Kawasan Falls.
At Kawasan Falls and the church grounds in Mobolo.

Rondeletia -in cemetery across from the church in Balamban - all around Cebu

Blue Plumbago -  temple grounds.

temple grounds.

Spider Lily -  temple grounds.

Lantana - temple grounds.

Lobster Claw (Heliconia) - walk to Kawasan Falls.
Cautleya - walk to Kawasan Falls.

 temple grounds.

temple grounds.

White Jamaican - in Cebu

 African Tulip Tree
We see the trees on the drive to Balamban.

 in cemetery across from Balamban church.

Crown of Thorns - in Cebu

Firecracker - Lapu, Lapu Mactan

Some kind of cactus - Lapu, Lapu Mactan Island

Pacaya -  on tree at Hadsen - Mactan Island

Crown of Thorn Cactus -  in Cebu and Coco Grove

Orchids - at Marco Polo

Bavhinia Kockiana - by a missionary apartment in Cebu
 Elephant Creeper - road to Balamban

 Cannas - on the road to Balamban

Yellow Trumpet - in Cebu and on the road to Balamban

Cockcomb - in San Carlos.

 Vinca - road to Balamban

Anthurium - road to Balamban

Encyclia Vitellina - road to Balamban

This is a mango tree - 

the white "flowers" on the tree are actually
papers - newspapers cut in squares - to cover the fruit so the birds
don't eat it before it is ripe. This particular tree was in San Carlos.


  1. I wish I had seen your post on the flowers before our trip to Manila last month. I took a few shots of flowers too, but I didn't know what they were. - Cary

  2. I got here much interesting stuff. The post is great! Thanks for sharing it! Flowers To Philippines
