Tuesday, April 1, 2014

MLC - Missionary Leader Conference

These missionaries are the mature young leaders of our mission. The Elders are the Zone Leaders - the Sisters are the Sister Leader Trainers.
This group travels to Cebu from Negros Island and all the Zones on Cebu Isalnd. Today was probably the last time we will see many of them. That is always kind of a bitter-sweet experience.

 This is Sister Bishun and me. She is from Toronto Canada.
Forty plus years ago, I sewed this temple dress for myself. Originally I had a cute white belt to wear with it - that I also made. This sister loved the old-fashioned style and was commenting on it. Well, the dress will be hers when I leave. I told her to add a 2 or 3 inch belt.

 We enjoyed the zone reports and President Schmutz' training in the morning, then met at the mission home for a homemade burrito lunch, provided by Sister Schmutz. She is a wonderful cook and loves to pamper the missionaries. Cake and ice-cream for dessert. All so good!

 Elder Sommerfeldt loves to visit with the Elders and Sisters, and they love him.

 This is Sister Passey. She was good enough to go around and take pictures for me with my camera. I'm in the dishpan in the background. That's my normal place at lunches, and I'm delighted to be there. Sister Schmutz certainly doesn't need to do dishes after making all the good food. 

 Within the next short three months, all of us will be on our way home. 
Elder Sommerfeldt and I leave on April 18th, Ernstroms are on their way home on May 4th, 
and Sister and President Schmutz will have served their three years in the mission in July. 

 The Elder and Sisters wanted to give us a going-away gift.
They sang "God Be With You Til We Meet Again" a cappella - with beautiful harmony. 
A very tender hymn that touched our hearts. 
". . . when we meet at Jesus feet . . ."
We have learned to love each missionary so very much!

 The group of us, minus Sister Ernstrom and Sister Schmutz. 
They were trying to take a video clip to send to President McCurdy who will 
be taking over the President's duties in July.

 Sister and President Schmutz!

Elder Sommerfeldt and Elder Enmace -
the American and the Filipino!

1 comment:

  1. It's going to rip your heart out to leave these people. We were only there 2 weeks and I immediately came to love the place and the people, as absolutely crazy as the country is. When we arrived there I couldn't help asking "What are these people thinking? THIS IS CRAZY! Why would a country develop like this?" And yet, it really gets to you, which is why my sons can't seem to leave. I will warn you, you will be IMMENSELY RELIEVED to drive in America again. - Cary
