Saturday, April 12, 2014

Things we especially love about the Philippines

These are things we love about the Philippines. They are in random order. 

This mission has been a blessing in our lives, and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve these wonderful people in their lovely country. 

We love the temple:  Cebu Philippines Temple
A grand representation of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Philippines.

We love: Meeting, getting to know, and learning from:  President and Sister Schmutz

We love:  Having fun together in the office
We love:  these sweet Sisters and giving them hugs
We love:  getting to really know some of the missionaries 

 We love:  Mayann and Cherry 
(with Elder Sommerfeldt and Elder Cube - the missionaries who baptized them)

We love:  BAPTISMS - especially families

We love:  that we could take our family with us on this mission!
Notice the great spray paint picture from Darin - sweet gift.

 We love: the drive over the mountain to Balamban.

 We love: tasting some new foods
When I first saw this fruit, I called them hairy strawberries.
 The real name is Rambutan -  it's . . . okay!

 We love: Large shipments of supplies for the office - LOVE IT!

We love:   relaxing in Coco Grove - Siquijor - a great resort

We love:  Kawasan Falls - delightful place to visit

 We love:  Mango shapes - our favorite!

 We love:  Other Senior Missionary Couples.
Sister and Elder Austin
Elder and Sister Anderson

 We love:  seeing Carabao - such a gentle, hardworking animal.

We love:  The hardworking Filipino people
All jobs seem to be very labor intensive.

We will add more things as we think of them . . . . . . . .

We love:  Jesus Christ - our Savior and Redeemer
We plan to love and serve Him forever and always!

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