Sunday, January 12, 2014

Winter is here in Cebu

I knew winter wasn't my favorite season in any land. However, it's not that we are cold - just very WET! Here are a couple of pictures of our drive over the mountains to Balamban for church.

As we left Cebu this morning, there was a marathon going on. In the rain! Several of the participants were running barefoot.

The entire drive was rainy, with less traffic than usual, but with trees and rocks on the road that are not usually there. The man roasting the pig was in place as usual, with a tarp over the top. Smoked pork today!

Th mountain side was weeping with little and big waterfalls everywhere. 

In Balamban, the trikes were lined up like taxis outside the mall, waiting patiently for customers.

      So, not much to show there. This coming weekend is Sinulog, a Cebu Festival that is huge. We should have amazing pictures to show of that on the next blog. 

      I am reading the book, "Trusting Jesus," by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, who is a cousin of President Schmutz (our mission president.) 

Elder Holland is speaking about bearing your testimony as a missionary, and about the pre-mortal life where we lived and accepted the Savior into our lives even then.

“A missionary’s testimony invokes a great legacy of testimony dating back to the councils in heaven before this world was. There, in an earlier place these same people (our investigators in our mission field) heard this same plan outlined and heard there the role that Jesus Christ would play in their salvation. “

“We must always remember that these investigators – every man, woman, and child – were among the valiant who once overcame Satan by the power of their testimony of Christ! So when they hear others bear that witness of Christ’s saving mission, it has a familiar feeling; it brings an echo of truth they themselves already know.” (Basically, we are just reminding those who are investigating the church, of things they have already heard, and have made a commitment to in the pre-existence.) Study the word: Eternal, and you will be amazed!

This was a thought shared by President Schmutz – our mission president – in our last Zone Conference right before Christmas.
“The word gospel is literally good news or glad tidings.”
            “When the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds at the time of Jesus’ birth, they were worthy and prepared to welcome him into the world. Even the angels were chosen and prepared to give these good tidings.”
            I think we often do not understand that we were chosen and foreordained to be missionaries at this time in the world’s existence – in the very place where we have been sent on our mission. That foreordination does not take anything away from our agency. We can choose whether or not to honor that calling when we get to this earth, but nevertheless, it is not by chance that we are at this particular place and at this particular time to hasten the work of the Lord.

WE, the missionaries of the Lord Jesus Christ, are His best investigators. As we are worthy, humble, focused and obedient, the Holy Ghost will testify to us of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and the power and authority of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then, we can testify to others, and the work of the Lord will roll forward.

We testify of the reality of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer. The gospel of Jesus Christ is that stone spoken of when Daniel prophecied to King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2: 34-35, 44. It will continue to roll through the earth, until the whole world will know of the God of heaven. And it shall never be destroyed, but shall stand for ever. 

Oh, the heritage we have, and the potential we possess!