Sunday, March 2, 2014

Everyday Sights

People Riding

 Yes, this is a goat tied on the back of the cycle!
 This child is standing and waving her arms.
 See the legs of the child being held backwards.

 Five people are all we have seen on one cycle - but we have heard of more riding at one time.

People Selling Things
 This man is selling peeled pomelo.

People Carrying Things

That's all for today, folks . . . 

2nd Couples Conference

This past weekend was our 2nd Couples Conference since we arrived in the Cebu Mission. We are grateful to President and Sister Schmutz for organizing these special times for the senior couples to meet, enjoy one another, and be trained. 

Here we are on Thursday evening at the Maya - 
a Mexican restaurant. 
Sister Schmutz, Sister Anderson, Elder and Sister Sommerfeldt,
Sister and Elder Ernstrom, Elder and Sister Henrichson, Elder and Sister Austin,
Elder and Sister Bresee, Elder Anderson, President Schmutz.

 The next day, before breakfast, we had a special visitor. He was just trying to keep the sun off his face, and the fumes out of his lungs. Typical street wear in the Philippines.
 Then he decided he needed to beg a little . . .

Breakfast included some delicious and interesting fruits. Bananas, mangos, and pineapple, plus 
Mangosteens. This fruit looks kind of like plums on the outside, but have a harder skin.
 You eat the white sections on the inside. It is sweeter than regular mango.

 This fruit is called Pomelo, and is very similar to grapefruit, but somewhat sweeter and drier.
(I will post an inside look when I get one. We have eaten it, but the ones at the mission 
home the day of our conference were still a little too green to eat.)

We ate all three meals at the mission home on Friday, plus breakfast on Saturday morning. As you can see, we are not starving. Sister Schmutz feeds us very well.

As seniors, we attended the Cebu Temple together to do a session. All the missionaries stood in the prayer circle. It was such a lovely feeling.

In the afternoon, we enjoyed President Schmutz's training, and sharing our testimonies and many spiritual moments with one another.