Thursday, November 21, 2013

Incoming Missionaries and Transfer Day

Here is Elder Sommerfeldt getting ready for the busy days ahead.

Two huge days in a row! This mission just never slows down for an instant. President and Sister Schmutz are soooo amazing and high energy. 

Yesterday Elder Sommerfeldt helped others pick up 33 new missionaries at the airport - newly arrived from Manilla and the US MTC. We were welcoming, orientating, feeding, and getting to know these newest servants of the Lord. They are eager to serve.
Some points of interest and learning given by President Schmutz:
     - The most recognizable sign of the church around the world is 2 young men in white shirts and ties. (With name tags, of course)
     - Sisters and Elders are closer in age. You must be dignified and call each other Elder and Sister. You are missionaries now!
     - 75% or our mission is younger that 6 months in the mission field.
     - 60 missionaries are in training. 
     - In 12 weeks, you need to be ready to train. Take on the mantel and responsibility of missionaries. 
     - Casual behavior can breed small disobedience, and small disobedience often leads to great disobedience. 
     - It takes about 6 months to speak a new language. 
     - If the spirit tells you to bear your testimony, bear it even if your Cebuano is not very good. As you speak from your heart, you will be able to touch the people. 
     - When you are teaching a  gospel lesson, your Cebuano will be better than at any other time. 
     - Practice obedience in all things. That is why we are here on the  earth. 
     - If you work hard, it's easy.     If you work easy, it's hard. 
     - If you don't have a strong testimony - make yourself your first investigator. 
     - The Senior companion is not your boss but your teacher.
"I promise you that you will be assigned a new companion and a new area according to the spirit."There is a purpose for you to accomplish with that companion.

Hey, Mom and Dad, do you recognize this beautiful missionary? 
This is Sister Forbush with Sister and Elder Sommerfeldt.
It is so fun to get to know the missionaries. 
They are excited, focused, humble, smiling, and ready to serve. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Link to Deseret News Article

This tells the story Sister Smith told us in greater detail. You will need to have a box of Kleenex handy. The faith of these Sister missionaries will touch your heart. The goodness of the Lord to them will warm your soul.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

18 Tacloban missionaries arrive in our mission to stay

     Today is Sunday. Early this morning 18 Tacloban missionaries were picked up at the airport as they become part of our mission here in Cebu. We are thrilled to have them join our ranks.
Elder Sommerfeldt visited with members of the Australian Army 
at the airport  who were coming to help in Tacloban. 

As Elder Sommerfeldt drove a temple van to the airport to transport missionaries and luggage,

Sister Sommerfeldt set out breakfast in anticipation of their return.

     This is the  mission home  - the  lovely, welcoming home of President and Sister Schmutz.

Here are pictures of some of the rooms, decorated for Christmas already, of course, because November is a ...ber month, and Christmas is celebrated - Christmas songs and all - in all the months ending in ....ber.
Front Entry

Living Room

Dining  Room

 Family Room


Unique Filipino Shell Decoration

     Upon their arrival, the house filled with greetings, hugs, handshakes, and happy voices. They had been up since 2:00 a.m. to meet their flight from Manilla, so breakfast was well-received.

 Part of the activity of the morning was our new missionaries introducing themselves and bearing their testimonies. These young people are strong in the faith and their testimonies have only been strengthened as they have survived some horrendous experiences.

I will share two stories with you here:
An elder from Wellsville, Utah related to Elder Sommerfeldt that once the storm began, the front door of their house was blown open so forcefully that the top hinge broke. For almost an hour, he and his companion took turns pushing the door up to prevent the door from collapsing into the apartment. After the storm had passed, with no communication available, they made their way back to the mission home in Tacloban. They had to walk over 12 km., having to walk through the worst part of the devastation. He told how he walked by many bodies lying in the street, and the horrible stench. He further described  his fear for their safety as they witnessed terrible looting and mobs running about with everything from TVs to food. Upon arrival at the mission home in Tacloban, some of the water had subsided there, however the mission home was left with 6 feet of mud and sludge throughout the house. A total loss. He indicated to him that he felt it would be at least a year before essential services were returned to the area and missionaries could return.

A sister who has only been in the country for 5 months, told of her harrowing experience of survival and escape. Ten sisters had been told by their mission president to band together in this sister's house. The sisters were on the second floor of the house and realized that the horrific wind was forcing the driving rain in through windows and under doors and filling the house with water. As the water came up the stairs, two sisters literally swam down through the water trying to open the front door, to no avail. Finally, one sister remembered that there was a hole in the laundry room ceiling, and the sisters swam into that room, made the hole larger out onto the roof of the building, and they all climbed out onto the roof. Cramped together for warmth and to make room for everyone, they waited and prayed. Two hours later, they were rescued by a boat. In her testimony, this sister talked about the power of God - both in the force of the storm, and in protecting His missionaries.

These missionaries have been through much. They will be a tremendous asset to our mission, even as they continue to be concerned about the members and investigators left behind in Leyte.

This is Elder Mejos, one of the assistants to the President.  
It is his 21st birthday today. Of course we all celebrated with him.