Here in Cebu City, the wind was strong and the rain was heavy. As we walked outside after it was past, we saw broken trees, branches, and leaves littering the ground. One man's business had lost it's roof completely. As we returned home, we saw him already repairing it.
Our power went out several times during the day. Finally it was off to stay. Luckily, our apartment complex had a generator, so we still had lights. These pictures show that few people had power Friday evening - mostly the big hotels.
On the temple grounds several trees were laying on the ground. However, the wires securing the palm trees seemed to work well. No palms were damaged.
This tree is by the chapel on the temple grounds.
A short block away from the temple complex is a ravine filled with tin-roofed shanties. There were some downed trees in this area too, but amazingly, the houses seemed to stay together.
This is typical housing for much of Cebu City.
Some of these houses have a blanket fastened at the top of the doorway to provide a little privacy.
A closer picture of the baby in the playpen.
I have never seen a policeman in one of these - they are always on the street with the traffic.