Saturday, November 9, 2013

We survived the typhoon - Yolanda

Even though we survived the typhoon quite well - our neighbor, Tacloban City, 90 miles to the northeast on the island of Leyte, did not fare so well. Over 100 people are dead there and at least that many more badly injured. The devastation is huge.

Here in Cebu City, the wind was strong and the rain was heavy. As we walked outside after it was past, we saw broken trees, branches, and leaves littering the ground.  One man's business had lost it's roof completely. As we returned home, we saw him already repairing it.

Our power went out several times during the day. Finally it was off to stay. Luckily, our apartment complex had a generator, so we still had lights. These pictures show that few people had power Friday evening - mostly the big hotels.

On the temple grounds several trees were laying on the ground. However, the wires securing the palm trees seemed to work well. No palms were damaged.

This tree is by the chapel on the temple grounds. 

Also, the angel Moroni has shifted once again. After the earthquake on Bohol, he was facing southeast instead of east. Today he is facing north - but he is still on the ball.

A short block away from the temple complex is a ravine filled with tin-roofed shanties. There were some downed trees in this area too, but amazingly, the houses seemed to stay together.

This is typical housing for much of Cebu City. 
Some of these houses have a blanket fastened at the top of the doorway to provide a little privacy. 

Here is a typical street, with a small business under the tree. The Mom is selling "something." Notice the baby playpen at the right - by the Police Outpost.
A closer picture of the baby in the playpen.

I have never seen a policeman in one of these - they are always on the street with the traffic. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Typhoon - Yolanda

Typhoon Yolanda – super typhoon expected to hit the Philippines on Friday, 8 November 2013.

Here, outside workers around the temple 
are securing palm trees with wire to weather the typhoon.

Office staff preparing for rain from typhoon.

Sister Ernstrom lent a head umbrella to Elder Sommerfeldt. 
She wanted him to kneel down beside her, which made them the same height. 
(Elder and Sister Ernstrom had actually purchased the umbrellas to wear 
on a fishing trip they are going on next week. 
The High Priest group in their ward have invited them to attend.) 

            This morning on our way to the office, Sister Ernstrom read a text sent to the AP’s and ZL’s from President Schumtz. It brought tears to my eyes, as you could almost hear the love and concern in the president's voice as he gave directions for the safety of his missionaries.

            The instruction was very specific: have 72 hours of food and supplies in our apartments. By 5:00 p.m. on Thursday – be in apartments. By 6:00 p.m. – check in with Zone Leaders, and ZL’s check in with AP’s no later than 7:00 p.m.

            Any missionaries along shore lines – move inland – away from stormy seas coming ashore.
            Those on mountain sides – move down into apartments with other missionaries – to be out of harm of possible mud slides.
            Those in ground floor apartments in the valleys – move to LDS churches or in with other missionaries – to be safe.

            By Saturday morning, report again to ZL's and AP’s about their safety.

Here we are shopping at Fooda. 
The store was packed and people were buying comfort food
 - chips and pop - not too many necessities.
 It took us 45 minutes to check out.

At a recent special Stake Conference, just before we arrive in the Philippines, Philippines Area President, Brent Nielson, said that these natural disasters will continue to happen as prophesied prior to the Savior’s coming; and it is God’s way of bearing his testimony that he is in control.
            President Nielson said: “Be not fearful, but be faithful, for fear and faith cannot co-exist. The Lord is in charge.”

As we were leaving the office and walking through the foyer of our office complex
 to get prepared as the President had instructed,
we took this picture of two little Filipina girls in their cute dresses and shoes.
Everyone who comes onto the temple grounds are so respectful.
They come well dressed and with reverent attitudes. 

To the top of the mountain

As we transport missionaries around, we see such sights as these:

Sometimes we forget that we are living on an island. In the distance,
 we could see the ocean around the city of Cebu. 

While driving up the mountain, the view turned into 
a rain-forest type of landscape.

On the way back down the mountain, the typical traffic was evident - 
including the small boy riding on the motorcycle with his father and grandfather. 
(See him standing up - no seat belts or helmets here.)

Typical shops/ living conditions along the roads.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday in Carcar Ward

Elder and Sister Ernstrom are assigned to the Carcar Ward. Carcar is about an hour's drive from Cebu. Until we get a vehicle, we will not be assigned to a ward or branch, so we attended church with them today. The spirit was strong in Fast and Testimony meeting. The people are beautiful, and as they testify of Jesus Christ in a mix of English and Cebuano, their faces shine.

As each one begins his or her testimony, they begin, "Good Morning, brothers and sisters." Everyone in the congregation responds, "Good Morning." Many of the youth bore their testimonies, and the spirit of missionary work is strong. It seems that each of the youth desire to serve a mission when it is their time. We have 3 sisters and 2 elders working in this area.

This is the church house in Carcar.

This is the road to get to the church.

This is the house directly across the street from the chapel.

Another home in the area. Notice the woven mat walls on the bottom.

Mission Office & Cebu Temple Complex

Here are pictures of our mission office in Cebu:

Front Desk in Office - my work space

Sister Ernstrom in her office. Elder Sommerfeldt has already nicknamed 
this go-getting, efficient, warm, loving Filipana lady - Shortcake

Elder Ernstrom
Elder Sommerfeldt in the Elder's office area

Decorated walls in Cebu mission office

Foyer of the mission office/ genealogy area/ hostel/ distribution center

Outside of Mission Office, etc

Sister Missionaries leaving the mission office

Cebu City LDS Temple

So Beautiful!

The inside is also very beautiful! We attended the temple on Saturday 
and enjoyed an endowment session.

Filipino grounds worker trimming the grass to "putting green standard" by the temple. 

Church House on Temple Complex

Housing across the street from the temple

Jeepney - public transportation

Jeepney - always colorful

Jeepney - usually packed full of people