Friday, February 7, 2014

1st P-Day of February

As the weather warms, we once again looked for a suitable beach area for swimming, since Portafino closed on us.
We passed goats. Tiny goats are everywhere here. Mactan Island is no exception.

Will had talked to some people in S & R, and he visited with our ukulele contact, and found that there were other options. Knowing the names of places and finding them is sometimes two different stories. Streets don't have names - actually they do have names, but most often the names are not posted. Being the innovative wanderers that we are, we drove down a road that looked like it might have good possibilities. This is what we found:
 As beautiful as the water is, there is no beach.

 Then we found: 
And it had a sand beach.
As we continued to look, we discovered Hadsan, and one other resort.
We actually decided to swim at Hadsan - at an outdoor pool. 
We had the place to ourselves, and it was lovely, relaxing day. 

The sights of Cebu continue.

This scaffolding is long poles of bamboo tied together.
The Filipino sitting at the top is repairing plaster on the outside of the building.