Sunday, April 13, 2014

Goodbye Week

By Friday morning of this week, we will be leaving the history and beauty of Cebu for Thailand.

We will keep the pictures and dialogue coming as we continue to interact with the missionaries,
Sister and Elder Bresee,

Us with Sister and Elder Mather,

train our very capable replacements - Elder and Sister Harris, 

serve at the temple, and enjoy the opportunity to do some 
personal genealogy at the Family History Center, 
under the capable direction of Elder and Sister Wieland.

Keep posted!

As full-time missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we wish to bear our testimonies of the reality and goodness of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have been so very blessed in the service we have been able to give in this amazing mission field. The missionaries here have been well taught in the law of Obedience, and living that important principle has allowed them to FTE: Find the Elect. The church here continues to grow at an amazing rate as the Filipino people accept the challenge to read the Book of Mormon, and pray and receive a testimony of the truthfulness of the restored gospel.

Today we attended General Conference here. (It is broadcast one week later than in Salt Lake.) The chapels were full of faithful, converted members, listening to our beloved prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, the apostles, and other faithful servants of the Lord. The lovely, inspirational music touched our hearts. How grateful we are to be here - in this place, at this time in our lives. We were foreordained to be missionaries, and we are grateful for this opportunity. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wednesday: 16 April 2014

Goodbye dinner at the Marco Polo - 

courtesy of President Evan Schmutz and Sister Cindy Schmutz
The AP's are Elder Glines and Elder Peck

President and Sister Schmutz - Genuinely interested and interesting people. 
They have been a great blessing in our lives. How we love them!

 Elder and Sister Ernstrom and Sister and Elder Sommerfeldt
Not only have they been our trainers - they have been our good friends. 
Such good times, story telling, sharing emotions and chocolate-chip cookies.

Elder and Sister Harris and Sister and Elder Sommerfeldt
Now we are the trainers (along with Ernstroms).
The Harris' are fast learners, and we have enjoyed getting to know them.

The training has been on-going each day with Sister Harris.

Thursday at the office, we were able to see several of our younger missionaries again.
This is Sister Hutchings in a "sandwich hug" which Elder Sommerfeldt loves to give,
and the sisters love it too.

The sisters, especially, wrote us little notes thanking us for our service
and the relationship we have developed over these months together.
We gave Sister Hutchings - she and Sister Sawyer taught Cherry and MayAnn the gospel -
and her current companion, Sister Navarez
the rest of our pancake mix, syrup, butter, and a frying pan. They were excited.

Sister Villasis, Sister Sommerfeldt, Elder Sommerfeldt, and Sister Nonato.
Oh, how we love our missionaries!

I thought we had some pictures of some of the Elders too, but the camera must have been tired- sorry!

Last night I wrote 30+ thank-you's and notes to missionaries, with this picture attached.

 Today, Friday, 18 April 2014, we are in the Manila Airport.
This is as much of Manila as we will see.

By later this afternoon, we should be in Thailand. 
The adventure continues!