Saturday, April 12, 2014

Things we especially love about the Philippines

These are things we love about the Philippines. They are in random order. 

This mission has been a blessing in our lives, and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve these wonderful people in their lovely country. 

We love the temple:  Cebu Philippines Temple
A grand representation of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Philippines.

We love: Meeting, getting to know, and learning from:  President and Sister Schmutz

We love:  Having fun together in the office
We love:  these sweet Sisters and giving them hugs
We love:  getting to really know some of the missionaries 

 We love:  Mayann and Cherry 
(with Elder Sommerfeldt and Elder Cube - the missionaries who baptized them)

We love:  BAPTISMS - especially families

We love:  that we could take our family with us on this mission!
Notice the great spray paint picture from Darin - sweet gift.

 We love: the drive over the mountain to Balamban.

 We love: tasting some new foods
When I first saw this fruit, I called them hairy strawberries.
 The real name is Rambutan -  it's . . . okay!

 We love: Large shipments of supplies for the office - LOVE IT!

We love:   relaxing in Coco Grove - Siquijor - a great resort

We love:  Kawasan Falls - delightful place to visit

 We love:  Mango shapes - our favorite!

 We love:  Other Senior Missionary Couples.
Sister and Elder Austin
Elder and Sister Anderson

 We love:  seeing Carabao - such a gentle, hardworking animal.

We love:  The hardworking Filipino people
All jobs seem to be very labor intensive.

We will add more things as we think of them . . . . . . . .

We love:  Jesus Christ - our Savior and Redeemer
We plan to love and serve Him forever and always!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's All About Relationships

This past weekend has been a very rewarding time strengthening our precious relationships with those of this land and this mission.

Elder and Sister Harris arrived on Wednesday. They are the new office couple, and we are in the process of training them. We leave the mission April 18th and Elder and Sister Ernstrom leave May 4th. There will only be one couple in the office again until July when President and Sister Schmutz return home and President and Sister McCurdy arrive.

On Thursday, while doing the mail run, I fell up the stairs at the Post Office. Harris' were with us, and we had several packages to take to the truck. Elder Harris, Elder Sommerfeldt, and I carried a load of packages, while Sister Harris "guarded" the ones we still needed to transport. As we got to the truck, a man that often carries packages for us saw us and hurried over to offer his assistance. We pay him 50 pesos for this service. Because we had left Sister Harris with the rest of the packages, and she would not know why the man was trying to take the parcels, I quickly deposited my packages in the truck and was hurrying back inside the post office. I was not looking down, as I attempted to run up the taller than normal stairs. I fell hard, cutting my knee open on the rough, marbled cement. Although I didn't realize it at the time, I also wrenched my back pretty severely.

By Friday night, the back was more painful than the knee. How I would have loved to have Justin here to help me. I went to bed very early and with the help of some meds, had a long sleep. And this is the wonderful relationship part - the Lord, in His tender mercy for me, went to work healing by back during the night. When I went to bed I was all but crying with the pain. By morning, I had only a twinge of pain left, and the following day it was gone. Once again I learned the lesson that the Lord is so good to his missionaries, even when they do stupid things.

Saturday we offered to work at the office, even though we had worked the Saturday before. Elder and Sister Bresee,
an older Senior Couple who have struggled to make this mission work for them because of the language barrier and not hearing very well, came into the office. We visited with them for a time, and then invited them to go to Mactan Island with us after we got off work. They really needed a pick-me-up. We have made some friends there where we purchased the ukuleles and Elder Bresee was interested in buying a uke. After we all changed into our P-day clothes - with name tags intact, of course - we headed for Mactan.
Got to love the scenery along the way . . .

and then on the island.

Elder Bresee did end up buying a ukulele. Our friends have agreed to have the missionaries come and visit them with a message about Jesus Christ. Their home in is the Cebu East Mission boundaries, so we have turned our referral into them.

We also stopped at Lapu Lapu Park.

On this spot, Ferdinand Magellan died on April 27, 1521, when his Spanish invaders were repulsed by soldiers of Lapu Lapu, chief of Mactan Island.
 One of Magellan's ship, the Victoria, under the command of Juan Sebastian Elcano, sailed from Cebu on May 1521, and anchored at San Lucar of Barrameda on September 6, 1522, thus completing the first circumnavigation of the earth.
The Lapu Lapu Park is a lovely, relaxing place to visit. We also did a little shopping in the open air market.
Elder Bresee insisted on taking us all to dinner at Shakey's Pizza - where they serve delightful mango shakes. It was a good break for the Bresee's, and we enjoyed our association with them.

Then on Sunday, we had invited Sister Ellison, a new single senior missionary to drive over the mountain with us to Balamban to church. She is here on a medical mission, but it's a lonely proposition being alone.
Sister Ellison at the left.

Oh, how I thank my Heavenly Father that I am not alone. Lonely is something I do not need in my life. I am so blessed to be happily married, serving missions, being able to travel, being active in the church, and seeing my children and grandchildren often.

We left Cebu early so we could enjoy a slower, more leisurely trip over the mountain. When we arrived in Balamban, it was still plenty early, so we drove down into a different area of town - something we had not done before.
 We saw another church . . .
the hospital . . .
 an interesting single dwelling house . . .
and this one - notice the stained glass windows!

Sister Ellison seemed to really enjoy the day out with us.

It was Fast Sunday because we have to view General Conference a week later than it is broadcast in Salt Lake because of the time difference. It was also our last week to attend church in Balamban, and we were grateful to be able to bear our testimonies in Sacrament Meeting.

We both love the Lord, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our families are high priority in our lives. We have felt so very welcome in our Balamban Branch, and have loved our associations there.
 Nene Ponteras has become a valued friend. She speaks enough English for us to communicate. 
Here is Nene Apo - which means - Nene Grandma in Cebuano.
Angel, her older granddaughter, and Jamil, Aryan's darling baby, are Nene's grandchildren.

 Our other really sweet association in Balamban are Cherry, and her daughter, Mayann, who were baptized in December. Remember, Elder Sommerfeldt baptized Cherry!
We pray for Cherry, her husband and family, that someday they can be an eternal family. 
 Cherry has been sustained as 1st counselor in the YW's. Mayann will turn 12 in May. 
My last hug for Cherry! We will likely not see Cherry again in this life. 
One more great reason to all be in the Celestial Kingdom together. 
I love this sweet lady, and mother of six. 

It is all about relationships:  with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, with our precious families, with  other missionaries, with ward and branch members! We take vacation trips and see things, but we serve missions and enjoy the people.