Sunday, November 3, 2013

Mission Office & Cebu Temple Complex

Here are pictures of our mission office in Cebu:

Front Desk in Office - my work space

Sister Ernstrom in her office. Elder Sommerfeldt has already nicknamed 
this go-getting, efficient, warm, loving Filipana lady - Shortcake

Elder Ernstrom
Elder Sommerfeldt in the Elder's office area

Decorated walls in Cebu mission office

Foyer of the mission office/ genealogy area/ hostel/ distribution center

Outside of Mission Office, etc

Sister Missionaries leaving the mission office

Cebu City LDS Temple

So Beautiful!

The inside is also very beautiful! We attended the temple on Saturday 
and enjoyed an endowment session.

Filipino grounds worker trimming the grass to "putting green standard" by the temple. 

Church House on Temple Complex

Housing across the street from the temple

Jeepney - public transportation

Jeepney - always colorful

Jeepney - usually packed full of people

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