Thursday, November 21, 2013

Incoming Missionaries and Transfer Day

Here is Elder Sommerfeldt getting ready for the busy days ahead.

Two huge days in a row! This mission just never slows down for an instant. President and Sister Schmutz are soooo amazing and high energy. 

Yesterday Elder Sommerfeldt helped others pick up 33 new missionaries at the airport - newly arrived from Manilla and the US MTC. We were welcoming, orientating, feeding, and getting to know these newest servants of the Lord. They are eager to serve.
Some points of interest and learning given by President Schmutz:
     - The most recognizable sign of the church around the world is 2 young men in white shirts and ties. (With name tags, of course)
     - Sisters and Elders are closer in age. You must be dignified and call each other Elder and Sister. You are missionaries now!
     - 75% or our mission is younger that 6 months in the mission field.
     - 60 missionaries are in training. 
     - In 12 weeks, you need to be ready to train. Take on the mantel and responsibility of missionaries. 
     - Casual behavior can breed small disobedience, and small disobedience often leads to great disobedience. 
     - It takes about 6 months to speak a new language. 
     - If the spirit tells you to bear your testimony, bear it even if your Cebuano is not very good. As you speak from your heart, you will be able to touch the people. 
     - When you are teaching a  gospel lesson, your Cebuano will be better than at any other time. 
     - Practice obedience in all things. That is why we are here on the  earth. 
     - If you work hard, it's easy.     If you work easy, it's hard. 
     - If you don't have a strong testimony - make yourself your first investigator. 
     - The Senior companion is not your boss but your teacher.
"I promise you that you will be assigned a new companion and a new area according to the spirit."There is a purpose for you to accomplish with that companion.

Hey, Mom and Dad, do you recognize this beautiful missionary? 
This is Sister Forbush with Sister and Elder Sommerfeldt.
It is so fun to get to know the missionaries. 
They are excited, focused, humble, smiling, and ready to serve. 

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