Wednesday, October 16, 2013

First grandson to serve mission

Sunday, 13 October 2013, we traveled to Logan, Utah for Hunter Hull's missionary farewell. There was good family support. Hunter gave a fine Sacrament Meeting talk. He seemed very comfortable at the pulpit. Elder Hunter Hull has been called to serve in the Kennewick, Washington Mission for two years.

 This is Hunter, our soon to be missionary, and Brette Bringhurst - his cousin (who is also preparing to serve a mission).
 From "tie" napkins, to words of advice, to "future missionary" water bottles, to personally designed sugar cookies - a very fun day to celebrate Hunter's mission call.

This coming Sunday, 20 October 2013, is our farewell in our home ward in Draper. Monday, October 21st we will enter the MTC in Provo, Utah. Hunter enters the MTC the same week, but on the Wednesday.

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