Friday, October 25, 2013

What a sweet MTC week!

Elder Hunter Hull - our first grandson to serve a mission - entered the MTC on Wednesday of the week we were there. 
Here he is saying hello to his mission escorts and goodbye to his family at curbside. 

We debated going to find him at the MTC, and realized that we just needed to let him have his own mission experience without us hovering over him. 

Thanks to Elder Sommerfeldt's height, you should be able to find us fairly easily in this group of senior missionaries.

The week has been a sweet experience in learning and feeling of the Spirit of the Lord. Our teachers, for the most part, have been young Brothers and Sisters who have been experts in keeping us focused, and yet have encouraged us to enjoy each other. We have made great friends who are going to Africa, the Philippines, South Carolina, and several other states and countries. Now we are pumped to get into our own mission fields and get to work.

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