Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Further miracles and information

The story continues today as more has been learned about the 60 missionaries from Tacloban who were at our building in Cebu last night.
     Typhoon Yolanda cut a 60 mile swath through the middle of Tacloban. The rest of the island was hit about the same as in our mission: high winds and torrential rain, with some damage, but not overwhelming damage.
     The missionaries in the severely damaged area had no contact with their mission president because all communications were down. A couple of inspired Zone Leaders organized a search for the missionaries, gathering them up as quickly as they could, and had them meet in a central area. They were somehow able to contact Manilla and the Area Presidency and were able to arrange evacuation to Cebu. We first thought they would arrive at 9:30 - then 10:30 - then almost 11:30.

Today is Friday, and I heard at the office that it was really a matter of obedience for the missionaries who were transported out of Tacloban: their mission president had counseled his missionaries to buy new batteries for their cell phones and to have the phones fully charged. He also asked that the missionaries stay together in groups. Both of those guidelines were followed by this group of missionaries - and so they were blessed!

     Thus, the missionaries being at our building last night.

     When the missionaries were asked by our president, "How many of you have NO luggage? Only the clothes on your backs?" About half of the missionaries raised their hands. The church also had garments and limited clothing items for them to take. The temple missionaries stayed up doing laundry for anyone who needed that service.
     Lots of hugs were also given out!
     Sister French in Manilla is meeting with these missionaries to assess and counsel these young men and women. Even though all the missionaries are physically safe, they have seen and heard way too many disturbing things in the last week that can't help but impact their lives.

I know this is entirely random, but Elder Belleza, the Elder returning home after their honorable mission, and the one that had the roasted pig at the party the other night, brought some budbod into the office today. Budbod is a mixture of coconut milk, sticky rice, and casava cake, wrapped in a banana leaf. The Filipino missionaries were very excited. Elder Belleza offered it to any who wanted to try it. It was . . . different . . . but okay.
The green stripped part is the banana leaf that wraps the budbod. 

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