Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Coastal Drive

Here is the NEW truck that we drive. At first we had a car, but Elder Sommerfeldt is thrilled with the truck. It's a Ford Explorer, but a totally different model than the Explorer in America - more like a 150, with a 2.3 L diesel. A great truck, but not quite a Chevy. 

On Monday, we took a drive down the east coast of Cebu Island to check out the beaches there.
We had heard there were good ones.
 The sand portion is very narrow, but pretty good sand - where there is sand. 

 Many of the "beaches" are rock.

 This man is fishing.

Other sights along the road:
 Rice Fields

 Loaded vehicles along the road.
The Filipinos eat a lot of pork. 
See the guy in the hammock, sleeping above the pigs!

People here use umbrellas to keep off the rain - 
and to keep off the sun. They want light skin, no suntans.
Here a family is behind the umbrella.

More family transportation!

More overfull vehicles!

Birthing Clinic!
I asked to use the CR (bathroom - comfort room) here.
There are lots and lots of babies in this country. These are well-used places.



Town Squares!
This is Carcar

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