Saturday, March 15, 2014

MLC - Mission Leaders Conference

       On 4 March 2014, President and Sister Schmutz held an MLC. These conferences used to involve only Elders, but President now includes Sister leaders as well. The Schmutz' feed the missionaries well, both physically and spiritually. In fact, one highlight of this conference was a training and question/  answer period in the temple for the Mission Leaders. We were also privileged to be able to attend. 

The missionaries love being in the mission home.

Here we are doing what we do best . . .  serving . . . in an apron . . .
dipping ice-cream . . . or whatever else is needed . . . 

Here is President Schmutz doing what he does best . . .
interacting with his missionaries . . .
They absolutely love him!

Here's Sister Kaafi doing what she does best . . .
seeing what needs to be done and cheerfully doing it.

Here is what many of the Elders do very well . . .
gather around the piano to sing together.

Of course, anytime missionaries gather, they are looking for their mail. 
This is a typical mail day,
with Elder Sommerfeldt hauling in packages after our trip to the Post Office.

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