Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A new mission call for Will and Karen Sommerfeldt

Karen and Will Sommerfeldt
Picture taken at Garden Tomb - Israel - May 2013

June 3, 2013
Okay, so the mission call finally came – today! On a Monday! I had been out running errands and Will had checked the mailbox. When I got home, I checked the mail and was disappointed to see that the big white envelope was still not here.

But I guess it had come and Will had hid it. Then he texted his girls and asked them if he should play a trick on me. Of course they said yes. Three of the girls were in town. The irony of it all was that I had invited them and their families over for FHE tonight. I had a lesson all prepared for them.

When I saw Maray, I thought it would be a funny joke to accuse her of taking the mission call out of the mailbox and hiding it on us. Remember, I had no idea that the mission call had arrived. I was pretty forceful, as I wanted her to believe that I thought she had taken it. Of course, she was denying it like crazy. Remember, she knew it was here, but had not actually taken it out of the mailbox.

So, they arrived at the house at 7:00 and I came in to get things set up. As I went up to the fireplace mantel where I was going to put part of the FHE game I had planned, I saw a large white envelope sitting there from the Church of Jesus Christ. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I wanted to open it immediately, but by that time Maray was spreading a world map on the kitchen table. She wanted
everyone to guess where we were going, and she had sticky arrows where she was writing people’s names to point to the places they were guessing. The Logan daughters were on Skype, and I began calling my children on everyone’s phone so they could also be involved. It was a madhouse.

Then I opened the call: Cebu Philippines. Labor as member and leader support missionaries. Or, our assignment may be modified according to the needs of the mission president. So there you have it!

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