Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pictures of Cebu Philippines

Cebu City, Philippines

Beach on west side of island of Cebu

In May, when we took our trip to Israel and Egypt, we met a couple who are now good friends. Bob and JoLinda Holm. They have served a mission in the Philippines. Not in Cebu, but still in the Philippines. They sent us this card about Cebu. 

This was their comment on the Philippines: the back woods there are pretty back woodsy – you will have lots of stories to tell. One of their friends in the Area Office was checking a missionary application and she called the branch president to ask for help. He reminded her that this young man had never worn shoes or seen himself in the mirror. When the president called back, he said: “The missionary said he weighs as much as five coconuts and is a little taller than his mother.”

We must remember that we will be living in a third world country, and we will probably really appreciate home when we return. However, JoLinda continued: the people are humble and wonderful. You will love them. They have so little but are happy. 

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