Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Family "At Home" News: 3 celebrations and 1 sad good-bye

As we serve here in the Philippines, we are not unaware of what is happening at home with our large and much-loved family.

1 February 2014 - Our grandson, Daniel Whalen baptized by his dad, Dan Whalen in St. George, Utah.

2 February 2014 - A sad good-bye to Shannon Morrow, Karen's niece. Shannon is DeNiece and Don McCulloch's third daughter. DeNiece is Karen's deceased older sister.
This picture of Michael and Shannon was on their Christmas card to us this year. Shannon finally lost her valiant fight again leukemia. 

7 February 2014 - Wendy Hollingsworth (Will's oldest daughter) and Brian Tavoian, married in Cedar City, Utah. 

10 February 2014 - Birth of 8 lb. 8 oz. 19" long, Faith Anna Leavitt, Amy (Karen's youngest daughter) and Tyler Leavitt's baby girl. Here's our sweet new granddaughter. 

Here's the adoring family. Grace, Mom, Jacob - holding baby - Hannah, Ty holding Rachel and Michael, with Nathan in the front.

That is actually the hardest part of serving senior missions - missing important family events. We are grateful for our families' love and support, and hope they know just how much we love each of them. 

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