Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 2014 Transfer Week

This week is Transfer Week in the Cebu Mission.
That meant saying goodbye to Sister Prasad (from India), Sister Neri (from Philippines), and Sister Reyes (from Bohol, Philippines).
Today we received " a batch" of seven new missionaries from the Provo, Utah MTC.
Here Elder Duncan signs the mission flag, while Elder Ernstrom shows the pizza guy the way to the kitchen.

Short, sweet, up-beat Sister Ernstrom - with her back to us.
Two new sisters visit with her.

Orientation information given by Sister Schmutz.

President Schmutz encouraged the missionaries to "be the changer" in the mission. Don't just let the mission change you - be actively involved in making the change for the better.
There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone.
The more quickly you decide to love completely, the sooner your heart will be filled with charity: the pure love of Christ.
Learn to love - if you don't or can't - repent.
In our mission, shyness is a sin. Open your mouth. FTE - Find the Elect!
Your mission is not meant to be a glorified EFY or Youth Conference. It will be work!
Determine now to be totally obedient. Example: you are either a full tithe payer or you are not. You either get up at 6:30 in the morning for your personal study or you do not.
In the mission field - opportunity and destiny come together.

We love our mission president, and we learn from him - regularly and consistently.

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