Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Typical Fast-Moving Week in the Mission Field

Each Sunday, we drive over the mountain to Balamban to church. Since the drive takes a little over an hour, we see many sights as we drive. This week, there was some kind of a celebration going on. 

 These people were gathered to watch a cycle race. 

A little further along the road, we saw a carabao, pulling a sled of sorts. The kids were catching a ride.

Each day as we drive to work, we see interesting sights. Here are a couple for this week:
 A man riding a skateboard, while holding the handlebars of a cycle.

 Carrying rice bags on your cycle  - to deliver somewhere - or maybe it's lunch!

Zone Conferences for  North and South Cebu were combined on Tuesday because President and Sister Schmutz were stranded in Dumaguete on Monday.

The President is implementing a new program called: "contact a member on Saturday," which is a new way to encourage branch or ward members to allow lessons to be taught in their homes to investigators. That way, the investigator instantly has a friend at church on Sundays. The missionaries are not to be fed at these discussions. The purpose is for the missionaries to teach the Restoration, and Plan of Salvation, etc., for the members to testify of the principle being taught, and for a bond to begin to grow between those investigating and someone permanent in the church unit.
 Lunch is a catered affair. Everyone loves to eat and visit,
but the "meat" of the conference is teaching
our tremendous missionary  force to be even better missionaries for Jesus Christ. 
 A card and Snickers bar is given out by President and Sister Schmutz to celebrate birthdays 
of individuals for a two-month period of time. 
 Happy Birthday here is sung: 
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you.

Our mission has a mission song: sung to the tune "Now Let Us Rejoice."
The words are:
On the isles of the sea as was foretold by prophets
The remnant of Israel is gathering in 
In the stakes and the districts, the homes and the Temple
God's children all rejoice as the harvest begins. 

This is Cebu Mission, and we know our purpose. 
Invite unto Christ! It's what we came here for. 
The elect are prepared, and God leads us to find them. 
They gather on Cebu, Negros and Siquijor.

Satan wields flaxen cords in his effort to bid us, 
But we keep commandments and thwart his designs. 
We obey with exactness; we follow the Spirit.
Obedience purifies till each countenance shines. 


With the Lord at the helm, we all heeded our Prophet. 
The spirit leads on and his light we now shine. 
Like the trump of an angel we teach from the scriptures. 
With love we venture forth in this work that's divine. 


As we prepare for Transfer Week next week, we also prepare to say "goodbye" to Elder Mejos, 
an excellent Filipino missionary (and AP) who is completing his mission.
 Elder Mejos' choice for dinner with the office staff, other assistant - Elder Peck - 
and President and Sister Schmutz was at Marco Polo.
They treat us wonderfully well there.

The theme at Marco Polo this month seems to be Paris, France - as you can see. 
Sister and President Schmutz are such wonderful hosts, and we all love them. 

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