Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy 172nd Anniversary - Relief Society

      The Toledo District held their 17th of March Anniversary Party for the Relief Society on Saturday. This year their District presidency decided to have each Branch represent a different country which has had an effect on the Filipino country and population. 
This beautiful poster was their stage decoration!

      We were told that this event started at 1:00 p.m. Once again, the language barrier had gotten in the way. The plan all along was for the preparations to begin at that time, with the program to start at 2:30.
      The great part about that was that we were able to go around and greet people and feel apart of what was happening.

            The Filipino people love costumes, dressing up, dancing, and interaction with one another. These sisters from Lutopan Branch were completely involved in their preparation. They were putting makeup on one another so they would look Japanese. The hair was styled with chopsticks holding the buns in place. The sister in the multicolored blouse is the District Relief Society President.

      The Filipino people love to have their picture taken. As I walked around observing the preparation, these sisters from the Toledo 2 Branch were excited to pose for a picture.

      When we arrived, we had no idea that we would be asked to be judges for the dancing and costumes. One of the District Counselors - from Balamban 1 -  is in the blue shirt, and he asked us to participate in this way. Elder Sommerfeldt is minus a tie because the U.S. dancers were short a man's tie for a dancer, and asked him if they could borrow his.

      First they had one sister from each Branch walk across the stage and introduce her Branch's country. This sister from Toledo 1 represented China.

      This sister from Lamac represented India.

            This cute little sister from Toledo 2 Branch was representing the Philippines.

      There were eight performance awards to be given, and one overall award presented to the Branch with the best costume, confidence in their performance, and the highest audience impact. 
 Balamban 2 Branch  - Saudia Arabia - Best in Choreography
Their country's national dance is belly dancing. They pulled it off very well, 
and were still modest in their rented costumes and movements.

 Lutopan Branch - Japan - Best in Costume 
This group of older ladies had done it all: makeup, hair design, painted red fingernails, 
white socks, pillows on the backs of their kimonos, umbrellas with bright colored ruffles, etc.

 Toledo 2 Branch - Philippines - Most Patriotic
Their dance wasn't as polished, but it was delightful 
with their flowered half hoops which were used very effectively.

Balamban 1 Branch - Hawaii - Most Entertaining
These sisters, with their fun costumes made out of one piece of material tied around their necks,  
danced to "Tiny Bubbles" and were  so graceful and lovely. 

Toledo 1 Branch - China - Most Creative
Their green uniforms were enhanced by the bright pink material sewn onto their tops.
Bright fans were used effectively as they danced.  

Lamac Branch - India - Most Graceful
This smaller group of sisters were lovely with their soft hand movements and 
dignified, precise dancing. 

Tutay Branch - Mexico - Most Energetic
These creative sisters had spent several hours sewing ruffles on their skirts, and making 
head pieces for their typical Mexican costumes. They were fun to watch. 

Aloguinsan Branch - U. S. A. - Most Innovative
Each sister wore dark jeans, a white shirt, and most had on a man's tie.
The dancing was very hip, fast moving, and fun.

 At the end of the program, the judges were given a few minutes to deliberate, 
and then each performance group was given an award.

 Aryan from Balamban 2 was crowned Mrs. Relief Society 2014
(When we had teased Aryan before hand about doing the belly dancing, 
she had said, "I have the belly, I can do the dancing.")

 There were many children in attendance, since their moms were participating.
Often the kids are running around a lot, but for this, they were kept in check, 
and allowed the sisters to perform.

 Nene Ponteras, from Balamban, has become our good friend. 
We are going to miss her tremendously.

For this picture, Nene wanted to be as tall as Elder Sommerfeldt. 
She is standing on a chair and is just about his same height. 
The girl on his right is standing on the table. 
All the Balamban saints, but especially the children, continue to be amazed at
Elder Sommerfeldt's height. They love to stand next to him and compare.
We have come to know these Branch members well and to love them.

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