Sunday, January 26, 2014

Random Daily Sights

Since I take a camera everywhere we go, I get some interesting pictures. Thought we would share some with you:

 It seems that many big, heavy loads are carried on the head.
The top picture is a man with 100 pounds of rice on his head. Minutes before I had seen a younger, smaller boy with two of these bags on his head - going into a McD.
The baskets are homemade, and the oranges are delicious.

 The bottom picture is our apartment building on the left, 
and the one that is being built on the right.
Construction here is very labor intensive.

 Carts, scooters, and trucks carry all sorts of supplies.

 I have a fascination with the architecture of many of the churches.

Every week when we go to the Post Office to pick up mail, 
we see these two little bare-naked kids playing on the sidewalk.
No supervision - of course.

 More animals. We see cows, but not too much beef in restaurants. 

But, every week we see pigs being roasted.

We see lots of carabau. Here's a closeup.
And then we saw this one actually working in the field the other day
 - this was in Talamban. (within the city)

The fruit is prepared on the sidewalk. 
Then it is sold in the streets.

Of course everything imaginable is sold on the streets, 
with the sellers walking between vehicles in the midst of the traffic. 
Above is a vendor selling 2 cigarettes to a Jeepney conductor who rides on the back.
One was for the driver, one was for him.

Seatbelts? Right !!!!
Oh, and the adults sometimes wear helmets, but the kids hardly ever do!

I end this post with this sign that we can see from our bedroom window!

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