Sunday, January 26, 2014

THE Birthday!

Happy Birthday - Elder Sommerfeldt!
      Sometimes, this is as good as it gets for your birthday celebration. Sister Sommerfeldt made taco salad and chips for the office crew. Our table was a new photocopier box at the end of the desk. Sister and Elder Ernstrom are next, then the AP's - Elder Mejos and Elder Vu, with the President standing behind them. Luckily President Schmutz was in the office that day doing interviews. Sister Schmutz joined as too, and we partied together. Often they are on the road, so it was a special pleasure to have them join us.

      For two weeks now the temple has been closed for deep-cleaning. You will be happy to know that the Angel Moroni is now facing east again as he should be. The first time since the earthquake in October.

      Even the grounds are getting a facelift. The grass is being cut very short to treat it for bugs and disease. Elder Sommerfeldt kidded the workers about them trying to make us feel at home by making the grass at the temple look like our grass at home in the wintertime.

      Tile in our office has been removed and replaced. It was not broken, but was catching the door a little so that it didn't swing open smoothly.

      They have also been repairing some cracks in the walls of our building which were caused by the earthquake just before we arrived in the mission field.

      Facilities Management is closing our office this coming week on Monday and Tuesday so they can paint our office. We are fortunate to work in surroundings which are clean, lovely, and in good repair. 

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